Make sure you clearly understand all the important details of your lenders proposed loan. It is important to note the amount you are expected to repay, how much time you will have to do so, and what flexibility is available if circumstances should change and you find yourself unable to meet a payment as scheduled. Take the time to clearly understand what is expected, what you get, and borrow responsibly.
Loan Eligibility Requirements
Although our systems accepts requests nationwide, and attempts to connect you with a great lending option, some programs and lenders may not be available in certain states. Requirements for eligibility vary, and are lender specific, but there are a few basic requirements that must be met for approval:
Age: You must be 18 years of age or older in order to be eligible for a personal loan.
Residency: Qualification requires applicants to be a U.S. resident, a valid Social Security Number and to be either a legal citizen or permanent resident.
Income & Employment: Lending options are intended only for people who can reasonably be expected to repay monies borrowed. Lenders require applicants to have either a full-time job, be self-employed, or have regular verifiable income such as Social Security benefits or disability payments. If you cannot reasonably pay back a loan, this is not the service for you.
Bank Account: Most lenders require a valid bank account, your checking account is used to fund your selected loan following approval.
Credit Score: The better the credit-worthiness of an applicant, the better loan programs you will be eligible for. All credit types can request a loan, and not all lenders determine eligibility based upon credit, but a clean report with a history of financial responsibility will improve the options available and lenders in our network willing to provide financing options.
Residents of Arizona, Arkansas, Georgia, New York, North Dakota, Oregon, West Virginia, Connecticut and Washington are not eligible to submit for financing.
The operator of this site is not a direct lender. Financing terms, conditions and policies vary by lender, state and applicant qualifications. Late or missed loan payments may be subject to increased fees and interest rates. Not all lending partners offer up to $35,000 loans, and not all applicants will be approved for their requested lending amounts, not all will qualify. Lenders may use collection services for non-payment.
Participating Lender’s Interest rates. The loan fees and interest rates are determined solely by the Participating Lender, with specific amounts determined based upon the information you submitted. we have no input on the amount of fees charged to your or the interest rate provided by the Participating Lender. Again, you are under no obligation to continue with the process if, at any time before signing the loan documents, you find the Participating Lender’s terms unacceptable. Interest rates charged by the Participating Lender are generally higher than a traditional loan for a similar amount issued by a bank or credit institution. However, bank loan requirements and terms are often much more stringent, and are not available as quickly as a payday or personal loan loan. With our Participating Lenders, you usually receive your funds within 1 business day of signing the loan documents.
Loan terms, conditions and policies vary by lender, state and applicant qualifications. Late or missed loan payments may be subject to increased fees and interest rates. Lending extensions and renewals may not be offered by all lenders. Short-term loans are meant for temporary cash needs only and are not intended as a long-term financial solution - please borrow responsibly.
Approvals are not guaranteed and are subject to the borrowing details meeting lender qualification. Repayment period terms and amount are determined by the lender - standard lending period consists of: 60 days - 72 months. We attempt to connect individuals with relevant offers subject to the borrowing profile submitted by the consumer. Please note that, while certain lenders may offer up to the advertised maximum loan amount, maximum dollar funding is atypical. Most consumers can expect to qualify for a smaller amount based on qualification.
What is the APR for financing I may get from a lender when connected on this site?
This site is a lender connecting network that attempts to connect you with internet lenders for your needs. Publisher does not make credit decisions. The operator of this website does not charge an application fee. The exact APR your lender may offer you can vary. Your provider must disclose all this information prior to any obligation. It is important that you review the specific lending terms offered before you obligate yourself to the terms.
The operator of this website is not an agent, representative or broker of any lender and does not endorse or charge you for any service or product. The information you submit on this site will be shared with lenders and related service providers in an attempt to find a loan that can work for you. Lender may perform a credit check. Cash transfer times may vary between lenders and may depend on your individual financial institution. In some circumstances faxing may be required. This service is not available in all states, and the states serviced by this website may change from time to time and without notice. For details, questions or concerns regarding your financing, please contact your lender directly. Cash loans are meant to provide you with personal loan to solve immediate cash needs and should not be considered a long term solution. Please borrow responsibly!